Thursday, May 20, 2010

What flowers bloom in August?

We are planning our wedding in our huge gazebo in the backyard and we want to plant something now that will bloom in August so that we will have "natural" wedding decorations. Any suggestions? BTW we live in New Mexico, and it is a dry desert kind of climate, so something that is good for Washington state for example won't work here...

What flowers bloom in August?
Zinnias;Asters;Cosmos;Rudbeckia (gloriosa daisies)--some of the best ones are "Indian summer" "Becky" "Cheroke sunset" "Toto" "Soraya" ; Celosia; Sunflowers (there's a great white sunflower called " Moonshadow"); Statice; late blooming lilies like the orientals; Brugmansia (Angels trumpet); Amaranthus (love-lies-bleeding); morning glory vines, sweet pea vines. All these flowers bloom in august and can withstand heat well. If you have any more questions, email me, we grow flowers for spring and summer weddings.
Reply:I think that sweat peas are cool season annuals, at least in my area. Report It

Reply:humming bird plants do. mine goes wild. large and thick. but that could also depend on were you live...what seasons are active at that time. I live in new york state. and in august the thing gets fully bloomed and out of control. we have to cut it back. but its very pretty.
Reply:you should grow hemp they bloom flowers in august. plus yud have ah blazing wedding.
Reply:In my area, hibiscus and butterfly bushes would be blooming then. There are also some types of roses that bloom almost all year. Why not call your county extension office and ask them? Because your climate is different than mine, what does well for me may not for you.

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