Thursday, May 20, 2010

How can I preserve my four-leafed clover collection?

I've been collecting them since I was a kid, and I have them all in a book, but now they're starting to deteriorate and I don't know much about preserving dried plants and flowers. Any good suggestions? Can I laminate them?

How can I preserve my four-leafed clover collection?
Plant material deteriorates over time... just a fact of life. However, you could contact a botanist at a local college and ask them the best way to preserve them. Good Luck!
Reply:The thing about plants or food is that they persih. This process of deteriorating is from the air. I'm sure if you seal it in an airless bag, the clovers will be preserved...BUT! Clovers are highly delicate and easily ripped. So maybe laminating them could work. You should try testing a 3-leaf clover FIRST before using it on your real collection. Experiment, see if it works, then laminate your collection and whammo! you have all the luck in the world sealed with you forever!
Reply:go to some store like hoods and look for clear pant it should be about 3.99 it in like a spray paint can it works good for me i use it!

hpe it helps or put in the frige %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;- idont know if the frige works but y good luck!
Reply:Yes, you can laminate them. However usual methods of lamination are irreversible. From the archival standpoint, "irreversible" is a no-no.

I'd suggest coin mounts. A package of 100 is $3.25 and a box for 100 is $2.75 (link below or see a local coin collection supply store). There are also plastic sleeves for notebooks to hold the 2" x 2" mounts or you could manage the assortment in other fashion. Each mount could be marked with date and place of collection.

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