Friday, May 21, 2010

Bougainvillea dropping flowers, only had it for two days!!! HELP?

I just got 3 bougainvilleas from Walmart 2 days ago. I just looked at them and two of them have dropped about half their flowers. One is worse than the other.

Otherwise they look perfectly healthy.

Now, I may well have done this and I have an idea. I have them under shade in the carport and I watered them when I got them.

Will too much water plus shade make them drop their flowers that fast???? Its just the flowers now, not the leaves.

If that is the case I can rest easy because I can just put it out in the sun tomorrow and hope that stops the flower loss. I can let it dry out a bit (didnt mean to overwater it, oops. I didnt realize how sensitive to water they are).

Could this be something else? The stress from moving them in the car maybe???

If you have any ideas whatsoever on what could cause flower drop please let me know! Id be most greatful.

Bougainvillea dropping flowers, only had it for two days!!! HELP?
Well your first problenm is getting them at Wally world(oops Wall Mart) If they are alive it is a miricle.

They shoud be outside in a mostly shady area and kept well watered.

The plants have been stressed just being at that store. If you still have a healthy plant but no flowers, they will reapear soon. Do not put them in the direct sun between 10am and 4pm of they will fry. The plant just needs to stableize, and once that happens, you can use a very weak solution of fertilizer every 2 weeks to keep them blooming.
Reply:This plant doesn't like to be overwatered. Don't fertilize it either. The soil should always be on the dry side. Too dry is not good either.

I know your problem relates to water. Be easy on the water with this plant and you should be much better off.
Reply:That is why i won't have one, nice to look at but wait till they grow!

Flowers everywhere!

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