Friday, May 21, 2010

Help!!! Squirrels are EATING the buds from my hibiscus and other flowers!!?

They seem to like some flowers and others they leave alone. All of my rose buds have been eaten, and they even eat some green leaves from other plants. I have tried the red pepper dry, as well as liquid, and to no avail. I'm not sure but I think they are digging up any bulbs or tubers I plant into pots. Unbelievable the money I've wasted on plants that they destroy either by eating or digging up!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

Help!!! Squirrels are EATING the buds from my hibiscus and other flowers!!?
Squirrels really love peanuts and they are not that expensive in the grocery store.. Make a stand away from the flowers and put the peanuts (in the shell) up high so the squirrels will climb for the peanuts. Also you can buy squirrel feeders at the hardware store. Good luck
Reply:I always believed feeding them as an alternative is just encouraging them to stay and invite their neighborhood friends.

It is not an absolute cure, but a determent: lay chicken wire on ground in front of each side of access to the plants. Many animals do not like walking on wire yet it can easily be rolled up to mow. One small area, I planted threw the openings of wire on top of dirt which kept cats out of it.

A neighbor had so much trouble with dogs %26amp; raccoons, he attached a motion detector to water sprinkler. Squirrels don't like the sprinkler either.

A row of sprayed cheap vegetable oil on outside edges reduces weeds, not harmful to environment and bugs/animals do not like getting into it. Don't get the oil to close to your planting roots. This is a good bug deterant around base of house: Spring, Fall %26amp; after each heavy rain.
Reply:Squirrels can be destructive little buggers. If they have a supply of water they may ignore your bulbs and buds. They are not eating them for the nutrition but more for their moisture content. I suggest you fill a birdbath with water, and they may leave your bulbs and plants alone.

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