Monday, November 16, 2009

The leaves on my tree peony have dried up over the summer. Should I cut it back?

This fifteen year old tree peony has been moved successfully three times and has always produced beautiful flowers, this year included. Despite watering the leaves started to wither near the roots in mid-August and eventually all of the foilage became yellow and dry. There are two other tree peonies newer ones) within three feet of this one and they are fine. I can find no information on what went wrong. Any suggestions and how should I deal with it? Thanks.

The leaves on my tree peony have dried up over the summer. Should I cut it back?
It would help to know which USDA hardiness zone you're in, in answering the question.

Don't give up on it... are the apical (tip) buds soft? My Japanese tree peony (Paeonia suffructosa) has dropped it's leaves early too, though the tip buds are still pliable and good. It's just gone dormant a little early. That might be the case with yours too.

Keep it watered until the regular dormant season in your area. Watch it carefully in the spring. If it leafs out, cut out the dead, and pamper it along next year. There are some bacterial leaf spot diseases which affect peonies. They do cause defoliation. I couldn't begin to say if that were the problem without seeing a leaf sample.

If the buds are dry, or the branches are dry/ brittle, that would signify that there was little chance there. None the less, I'd leave the plant til spring. You could see some sprouts from the roots.

Good luck-

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