Monday, November 16, 2009

How do I make my own Pyrethrum? Where to get Tanacetum cinerariifolium powder?

Anyone knows where I can get that online?

I know that it is from the Chrysanthemum family. And I have them. BUT mine is the drinking tea know the Cinese Chrysanthemum dried flowers. Don't think it'll work.

Any other plants with Pyrethrin as well?


How do I make my own Pyrethrum? Where to get Tanacetum cinerariifolium powder?
Sigh...below is a link to hundreds of sites.

I understand NON TOXIC to higher "animal forms" but WHY bother?

There are so many varieties of Herbs; flowers and edible plants that CAN be made into tea bases.

It seems illogical to me; but then I'm not a Tea drinker nor much of a risk taker.
Reply:My son's house is infected. So far, no damage. They even swarmed onced.

We just got the pyrethrum in, and I guess this weekend, I'm helping him with it.

Anyway, I'll watch your question. I hope you get some helpful answers, but I doubt it.

The pyrethrum is high priced isn't it.

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