Monday, May 11, 2009

How do you make herbal tea with the fresh flowers from passion flowers?

I just moved into this house the other day and I found a wonderful garden of passion flowers by my front door. I did a bit of research on the medicinal uses and lo and behold, I would benefit greately from it, having anxiety with tachycardia and IBS. I have an herbal tea strainer already but I have always bought already dried flowers.

What is the correct way to make herbal tea from fresh flowers? Do I dry them first or just pop them in the water and let them steep? With passion flowers, do I use just the flower? How do I dry them properly if I need to do so?

How do you make herbal tea with the fresh flowers from passion flowers?
Hi Inali K!

Passion flowers (Passiflora, Sawvaros, Water- Lemon)

Passiflora incarnata leaves and roots have a long history of use among Native Americans, in North America. Passiflora edulis and a few other species are used in Central and South America. The fresh or dried leaved are used to make an infusion, a tea that is used to treat insomnia, hysteria, and epilepsy, and is also valued for its painkilling properties. It has been found to contain beta-carboline harmala alkaloids which are MAOi's with anti-depressant properties.

Containing MAOIs, the flower has only traces of the chemicals but the leaves and the roots of some species have been used to enhance the effects of mind-altering drugs.

Passionflower also may be effective for anxiety disorder, but further studies are needed. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

To dry Passiflora, cut stems back to new leaf growth and tie in loose bunches. Hang upside down in a dry, dark place till the leaves are crumbly. Or: dry just the flower heads on drying screens in the oven or in the sun.

The Passiflora Species a have laxative properties and also help the digestive system as well as acting as a tonic for a person’s liver. This herb can often be used in treating both chronic and occasional bouts of constipation and have no side effect associated with they.

Also: As foods The fruit is edible at its being fully ripe as well as being made into juice. The seeds can be eaten with ice-cream. The passion fruit juice is used for flavoring ice-cream, jelly, candies, cake and wine.

Food value Katokrok Farang consists of various organic acids, including Vitamin C, sugar and others.

Nam Sawvaros (Passion Fruit Juice).

Jason Homan
Reply:Making herbal tea - The standard way to make an infusion, unless otherwise specified, is to pour a cup of boiling water over the material to be infused, let it stand for 5 minutes, strain it, and drink it.

Fresh plant material - When the recipe refers to fresh plant material to be used, a 1/4 cup fresh material is used, following the method above.

Dried material - When the recipe refers to using dried material, use 2 teaspoons of material when making it.

Bark or seeds - Should the recipe call for bark or seeds to be used, use 2 teaspoons of seeds or 1 tablespoon of bark.

Sweetening your infusion -You could sweeten your health drink with honey, should you so require, and a dash of fresh lemon juice may also enhance the taste.
Reply:There is a popular tea company that has this blend. You can find it in a supermarket in the tea aisle.

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